JACK: Moment of truth - someone's life is about to change.
JACK: I'm sorry Fabrizio. I'm sorry - you're not going to see your mother for a long time. We're going to America - FULL HOUSE BOYS!
JACK: Goodbye!
FABRIZIO: You know somebody?
JACK: That's not the point. BYE!
FABRIZIO: Goodbye! I will never forget yoooou!
JACK: I'm the king of the woooooooorld! Woohoo!
JACK: I thought you were leaving.
JACK: Whoa! You would've gone straight to the bottom.
JACK: I saw that in a Nickelodeon once and I always wanted to do it.
JACK: (written) Make it count, meet me at the clock.
JACK: So you wanna go to a real party?
JACK: You're still my best girl Cora.
JACK: (singing) Come Josephine in my flying machine. Up she goes, up she goes.
JACK: This is horseshit, you know me Rose!
JACK: I'm a survivor, remember?
JACK: You wanna walk a little faster through that valley.
JACK: Whatever you do, do NOT let go of my hand.
JACK: Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. Because it brought me to you."