Profile of Caledon Hockley (Billy Zane)
An heir to a fortune, Caledon (Cal) Hockley is rich and snobby. He loves his fiance, Rose, but does not know how to show his feelings, or that Ruth is so encouraging of the "match" to cover her late husband's debts.
Profile of Ruth Dewitt Bukater (Frances Fisher)
Mother of Rose and disapproving of Jack's existence. Ruth is relying on Rose's marriage to finance her lifestyle and the threat of Jack she sees as an "insect" to be squashed quickly. It is for this reason Rose does tell Jack they cannot see each other. Then, she "changes her mind."
RUTH: So this is the ship they say is unsinkable.
CAL: It is unsinkable. God himself could not sink (interruption) this ship...what?
CAL: Something Picasso? He won’t amount to anything, he won’t! Trust me.
CAL: Rose is displeased....what to do?
CAL: I know you’ve been melancholy. I don’t pretend to know why.
ROSE: It’s overwhelming.
CAL: It should be. It’s meant for royalty. We are royalty Rose.
CAL: Mr Dawson! I didn’t recognise you. You could almost pass for a gemtleman!
JACK: Almost.
CAL: (shaking his head) Extraordinary!
COMSO DUFF: Hockley, she is splendid.
CAL: Why, thankyou.
RUTH: And you find this kind of witless existence....appealing?
CAL: A real man makes his own luck.
CAL: Your exertions below deck were no doubt exhausting.
CAL: You are my wife, by practice if not yet by law, and you will honour me. You will honour me a wife is supposed to honour her husband.
RUTH: It is a good match with Hockley - it will ensure our survival.
RUTH: Do you want to see me working as a seamstress? Our fine things sold off at auction. Our memories, scattered to the wind?
RUTH: We’re women - our choices are never easy.
CAL: We’re on a ship, there’s only so many places she can be - find her.
CAL: Maybe he did it when you were putting your clothes back ON, dear.
RUTH: I hope the lifeboats will be seated according to class.
ROSE: Mother, don’t you understand? The water is freezing, and there aren’t enough
boats. Half the people on this ship are going to die.
CAL: Not the better half.
ROSE: You unimaginable bastard
CAL: (getting money) I make my own luck.
LOVEJOY: (revealing gun) So do I.
CAL: You’re a good liar.
JACK: Almost as good as you.
CAL: I always win, Jack. One way or another.
CAL: I hope you enjoy your time together!
LOVEJOY: What could possibly be funny?
CAL: I put the diamond in the coat........I put the coat on HER!
CAL: I have a child! Please, I’m all she has in the world.
Profile of Margaret "Molly" Brown (Kathy Bates)
Real life heroine of the Titanic is "Molly" Brown, the fiesty first class passenger who refused to completely reform to upper class behaivour. Ruth called her "new money", that "ghastly Brown woman."
MOLLY: Well I wasn’t about to wait all day for you, sonny. Take em the rest of the way if you think you can manage.
MOLLY: Are you gonna cut her meat for her too there Cal?
MOLLY: Son, do you have the slightest comprehension of what you’re getting yourself
MOLLY: Well, you’re about to enter the snake pit. What were you plannin’ on wearin’?
MOLLY: You shine up like a new penny.
MOLLY: Just start from the outside and work your way in.
MOLLY: Now there’s something you don’t see everyday.
MOLLY: I don’t understand a one of ya. It’s your men out there!