Leonardo DiCaprio


Jack Dawson is, essentially, a free-spirited drifter living each day as it comes and "making each day count." This, to others, including Rose's mother a "witless existence." But her daughter sees it differently. Jack has stories from all around the world. from humble beginnings in Chppawa Falls, which included ice fishing with his dad, his life then consisted of travelling across the world, concentrating on his art.


JACK: Moment of truth - someone's life is about to change.

JACK: I'm sorry Fabrizio. I'm sorry - you're not going to see your mother for a long time. We're going to America - FULL HOUSE BOYS!

JACK: Goodbye!
FABRIZIO: You know somebody?
JACK: That's not the point. BYE!
FABRIZIO: Goodbye! I will never forget yoooou!

JACK: I'm the king of the woooooooorld! Woohoo!

JACK: I thought you were leaving.

JACK: Whoa! You would've gone straight to the bottom.

JACK: I saw that in a Nickelodeon once and I always wanted to do it.

JACK: (written) Make it count, meet me at the clock.

JACK: So you wanna go to a real party?

JACK: You're still my best girl Cora.

JACK: (singing) Come Josephine in my flying machine. Up she goes, up she goes.

JACK: This is horseshit, you know me Rose!

JACK: I'm a survivor, remember?

JACK: You wanna walk a little faster through that valley.

JACK: Whatever you do, do NOT let go of my hand.

JACK: Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. Because it brought me to you."