The Story Behind THIS Titanic Fanatic

By Natalie Moran

When I saw the previews for a new movie of Titanic I saw this old granny talking about some diamond and thought "this is gonna be crap." As someone who has had an ongoing interest in the legend of the sinking of the Titanic I thought it juts looked plain silly and thought I'd give it a miss.

When it was released, everyone was raving about it. I thought "hey, it can't be that bad." So, I took my boyfriend Aaron off on New Years Day and went and saw it. It effected my so deeply that I started crying half an hour before the end and continued until half an hour AFTER it ended. From that time on, I knew James Cameron's Titanic was my newest obsession.

I went and saw it a fortnight later with my sister. But then I found out it was on at the Senestadium in Liverpool and knew I had to see it yet again. So I dragged Aaron along again, who by now had to love it or endure my wrath and I loved it that time more than any other. I had spent months reading about it, learning about every little piece of this movie and I just let it take me over and overwhelm me like no other film has!

I loved Leo, I loved Kate, and brilliant acting from every character - I especially liked the portrayal of First Office Murdoch. The story was unbelieveably believable and emotionally exhausting. It is a beautiful story, wonderfully wrapped together in a perfect little package.

You Love It, I Love It, it is "Titanic."

Do not expect much from this page. There are so many wonderful Titanic pages on the Net already I could hardly compete. This is a merely a collection of my favourite quotes and characters from the movie. I hope it will bring back memories of the movie and make you feel the same way you did when you first experienced the awesome power of James Cameron's Titanic.

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